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Even after dieting, what mistakes do you make, you can't reduce your weight

Weight Loss Mistakes 

Even after dieting, what mistakes do you make, you can't reduce your weight

Many people can lose weight even after a good diet and good exercise and they worry a lot about it and they think that it is not possible for them to lose weight, they make many small mistakes that make them lose weight. Can't, so I'll tell you some common mistakes that if you can fix, then let's hope you'll be successful in reducing your weight.

Mistake number one is not eating properly or trying to lose weight without eating at all. 

Even after dieting, what mistakes do you make, you can't reduce your weight
If you think that you will lose weight quickly if you don't eat, then this is a very wrong idea. You will become very weak and your body will be useless. If you skip breakfast, lunch, then you will lose a lot of nutrients from your body. If you reduce your food, then think how much vitamin K you are losing from your body, we need protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and many other small nutrients to reduce fat and if you do not eat food If you try to lose weight, how can you lose weight because we need a lot of these nutrients to lose weight, so you should eat good nutrition without skipping meals and lose weight, you should eat foods that are high in calories. stay low Bay and protein, carbohydrates and more vitamins will be more so that your stomach will be full and your nutrients will be fulfilled, if you are vegetarian then you have to eat foods like milk, curd, cheese etc. You can, and if you are nonveg then you can eat nutritious food like chicken meat, eggs, fish etc. But if you feel like eating, you exercise and after that you eat whatever you want. You can't lose fat and if you try to lose weight without eating then you are doing a very stupid thing, you have to lose weight by eating good food all the time so that your body doesn't become weak and you get a fat free body.

Mistake No. 2 Exercising too much If you think that you can reduce your body weight by exercising excessively, 

Even after dieting, what mistakes do you make, you can't reduce your weight
then you are doing it very wrong, if you exercise excessively, your body weight will not decrease. , and more exercise is far from doing any work to get energy, if you over exercise your body then you will lose energy and you will get very sick, if you do any physical exercise or gym to lose weight then Just do it for 40 minutes to 1 hour or do it all day, and take 1:50 minute rest between the exercises and then start again. Do not run for more than 30 minutes, if you want to lose weight through exercise, it does not mean that you are running like crazy in the field or gym, if you do this, you are playing with your body and this sport can cause you many problems later. So before starting each thing read a little about it and learn about it well then you start doing these things. Another thing to remember is that we lose a lot of water from our body when we exercise, so try to drink 4 to 5 litres of water throughout the day, the more water you drink, the faster your weight will decrease.

Mistake No. 3 

Even after dieting, what mistakes do you make, you can't reduce your weight
Not dieting properly or not doing it at all If you don't diet properly and eat as much as you want then you will never be able to lose weight and your weight will increase so try to have a good diet. If you do a diet, you will lose weight quickly, and try not to eat outside things because these fast foods only make your fat and make your whole body hungry, so you should try to do a proper diet 6 days a week and one day a week You can eat your favourite foods, and try to eat more nutritious foods such as protein, carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals in the diet.

If you can correct these small mistakes then you can definitely reduce your weight

 If you want to know more about weight loss read more

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