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No matter what you do and what you eat, your digestion will always be good

Healthy digestion

No matter what you do and what you eat, your digestion will always be good

Nowadays, many people are suffering from their own stomach problems and many people are not able to digest what they eat properly, as a result of which their bodies are becoming very weak. If the food we eat is not digested properly, then its nutrition will not reach our body and Our body will become very weak. So if you want to keep your body healthy then you need to fix your digestion first.

Many people take many kinds of medicine to fix their digestive power but they don't get any results. There are many kinds of medicine available to fix your digestive power but I would say you should try to use natural medicine and natural medicine instead of using any drug like medicine. Try to fix your digestive power because doing so will not cause any side effects in your body.

So I am telling you some ways and medicines which you can use to keep your digestive power always good.

No matter what you do and what you eat, your digestion will always be good
First of all, the food we eat reaches our stomach and after reaching there, three types of acid are released inside our stomach, one is Hydrochloric, the second is Mucus and the third is Pepsin. These three acids together help our stomach digest food. When this food reaches our stomach, our stomach moves a little so that the food can mix with this acid and digest well.

So if you eat too full your stomach won't move and your food won't digest properly. So you always try to eat a little less food when you are hungry, but the food you eat will be digested well and you will not have indigestion and the nutrition of the food will be well absorbed and reach the whole body through the blood.

Whenever you eat food, do not drink water before or after food because drinking water with food reduces the acid produced in our stomach to digest the food and the food is not digested properly. So try to drink water 40 to 1 hour before and after meals.

No matter what you do and what you eat, your digestion will always be good
If you want to keep your digestion in good shape then try to drink 4 to 5 litres of water throughout the day because the acid that helps us digest food is also made from water. 3 litres of water a day for children and 4 to 5 litres of water for adults is very important because when we breathe, speak, a hot steam comes out from the water, so water is very important for our body and our digestive power. Always good.

If you want to keep your digestive power good then take a walk instead of sitting or lying down after eating, your stomach will move well and the food you eat will be absorbed well.

Now the day is reducing our digestive power. If you want to keep your digestive power right then not eating outside junk food, oil,and spices will be good for your stomach.

If you try to fast 1 day a week, the faecal matter of those who have indigestion food will come out and your stomach will always be good.

To keep your digestive power always good, wake up early every morning because the later you get up, the more gas you will have in your stomach and your digestive power will be very weak. Get up in the morning and exercise. If you exercise, your digestive power will be very strong.

No matter what you do and what you eat, your digestion will always be good
To keep the stomach clean, drink a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice every morning. If you do this, all the bacteria and previous deposits in the stomach will come out, so your stomach will always be healthy.

If you want to increase your digestive power, eat ripe papaya, pineapple because they contain a lot of digestive enzymes that help you digest the food you eat very well and you can eat ripe guava with it. Ripe guava cleans your intestines. By eating these you will never have acidity in your stomach and your digestion will be good.

If you follow these rules then your digestion will always be good and you will lead a healthy life.

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