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Effects of eating Banana and how you eat Banana and how you clean your teeth with Banana

 Clean your teeth with Banana

Effects of eating Banana and how you eat Banana and how you clean your teeth with Banana

Many of us eat Banana and many people like to eat Banana but do you know how beneficial Banana is for our body, many of us eat Banana but we do not eat it properly, as a result we are unable to get the good qualities of banana. Is a healthy snack for the whole body. Did you know that you can clean your teeth with a banana and you don't need to use any medicine? If you follow the tips given by you, you will be able to use all the benefits of bananas.

Quality 1 In today's life many people think a lot due to work stress and other problems and they go to depression, so if they eat 2 bananas every day then they can get rid of depression, because bananar contains a type of protein which helps reduce depression.

Qualities 2 For those who have dry cough, you can eat bananas every day.By drinking a banana, your dry cough will get better. Take 1 or 2 bananas and paste it well. Make the paste so that it becomes like thin water. Mix 3 to 4 cardamom powder in it. If you want, you can make a paste of banana and cardamom together and take 1 spoon every morning and 1 spoon before going to bed at night. Consuming this will cure your dry cough within a few days.

Effects of eating Banana and how you eat Banana and how you clean your teeth with Banana
Quality 3 People who are very thin and thin and think a lot about gaining weight and eat a lot for that but even after eating all those foods you can't gain weight and at the same time you eat banana but still don't gain weight, you Eating banana to increase weight is fine but you will get results because you eat banana properly and in the right amount. The rule of eating banana is that you can have 4 bananas in the morning with your breakfast and with banana you have to have 200 to 250 ml of milk and Two eggs but you don't eat the egg at the same time as you eat milk. You can eat it after 30 to 1 hour after eating milk. If you eat milk, egg, and banana at the same time, you may have indigestion.Banana also increases energy in our body.Banana is rich in simple carbohydrates and carbohydrates are the most important element in our body which gives energy to our body and makes you feel energetic throughout the day.

Qualities 4 banana increases your sexual energy Those who are suffering from sex problems such as frequent ejaculation, or lack of proper blood flow due to which they cannot perform for a long time, if you take 3 to 4 servings of banana juice with milk every day, you will have this The problem can be removed and your blood flow will be good, if the blood flow is good, then your heart and skin are very good because there are a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus in banana which is very important for our body. Those who do not have blood on their body and have an iron neck, if they drink banana every day, then these problems will go away and those who have stomach problems such as not cleaning the stomach properly, then if you can eat banana every day, your stomach will be clean by drinking banana. So you can eat as much as you like throughout the day.

Quality 5 Many of us eat bananas but throw away the banana peel. 

Effects of eating Banana and how you eat Banana and how you clean your teeth with Banana
You know that banana peel removes many problems in our body such as skin problems.You can get rid of it. Banana peel also cleans your teeth like acne on the face. Those who have very yellow teeth and they are thinking about how to whiten it, then rub banana peel on your teeth twice a day, then you will get rid of this problem, because banana contains antioxidants and vitamin 3 which are very good for your teeth and skin.

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