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A proper diet chart of 1700 to 2000 calorie meals for a whole week for weight loss

 Diet chart of 1700 to 2000 calorie meals

A proper diet chart of 1700 to 2000 calorie meals for a whole week for weight loss

Many of us do many things to lose weight and follow many types of exercise or diet. We also watch many videos on YouTube but we don't understand it and we don't get any results. We have to maintain a good diet and we get a good fit body, if you think that I will just exercise and not diet and just eat food as per my desire and reduce my weight then you will not get good results or you will lose your weight. You can't cut down on days, if you are really serious about losing weight, then you need to have a good diet, if you follow a good diet and eat good nutritious food on a daily basic, then you can transform your body very quickly. In just a few months, one thing to remember is that no matter what you eat during the diet, you need to keep in mind that you need to eat 1700 to 2000 calories a day to lose weight, and 500 calories you need to take out. But you can lose your weight by going, so I am writing a 2000 calorie diet for you full day full week which if you follow you can lose your weight read below⬇️⬇️⬇️

The first to lost 3.4 minutes after waking up you have to drink 1 liter of hot water, after that you are a little fresher, after 30 to 1 hour you eat a loaf of bread and a banana, after 10 minutes you can have a cup of black coffee. You can have breakfast just 1 hour after eating. In the morning you can eat one scoop of oats double toned milk with some dry fruits and then mix apple or banana or currant, otherwise you can eat 3 to 4 breads with peanut butter and banana. After a meal you can eat 3 to 4 eggs, and you can eat 4 pieces of brown bread with peanut butter and banana. After an hour you can eat 250 ml of slim milk. If you have acidity after eating slim milk then it is your It is better not to eat.

At lunch you will use brown rice. If you use brown rice, it is better for you. If you can't, then you can use one cup of brown rice with one cup of white rice with boiled vegetables, one bowl. You should eat boiled lentils and 150 grams of sour curd, but you should not use oil in anything, you should eat everything boiled. Along with that you have to eat 150 to 200 grams of boiled chicken every day, your muscles will increase and if you increase your muscles, your weight will also decrease.

In the afternoon you will eat a cup of green tea or black coffee. After 30 to 1 hour you can eat chickpeas,you can mix it with half tomato, onion, half lemon juice. Then you can eat it with a scoop of dahlia slim milk.

For dinner you will eat 2 to 3 breads with boiled vegetables, along with that you will have some salad but if you eat salad at night then don't use onion in it otherwise you may get gas, after that you will have fried , 3 to 4 egg whites and 150 grams of boiled chicken.

You should eat these foods exactly 10 minutes after the meal. The best multivitamin is the vitamin called Bicadexamine, which is very cheap and easily available in any medical shop. If you are not an athlete and live a healthy life, then you can use 1 capsule throughout the day. You can, and if you are an athlete then you can use 2 capsules a day, I am asking you to use multi-vitamin because if you diet, your body will not lack any vitamins. If you get gas, acidity from using this vitamin then you don't use it, then you use A To Z multivitamin. Another thing to remember is that you need to drink 4 to 5 liters of water throughout the day, if you can't drink water then it's better for you not to follow any diet. After you follow this hard diet 6 days a week, you can eat as you like one day of the week

I hope if you follow these diets you will lose 10 to 15 kg weight in a few months and get your dream body.

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