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How to lose body fat and get a healthy body like everyone else

 Get a healthy body like everyone else

How to lose body fat and get a healthy body like everyone else

Many people do many things to lose weight but they fail to lose weight themselves. If you follow my tips you can lose your weight very fast and get a good body without fat like others.

Tip 1: First of all you should wake up between 5 am and 7 am, the earlier you wake up the better for your body.If you don't get up early in the morning then you will have a lot of gas in your stomach which can prevent you from reducing fat from your body. If you want to wake up early, drink 1 litre of hot water first, then go to the bathroom to freshen up.

Tip 2: After freshening up, mix a spoonful of honey and the juice of a whole lemon in a glass of warm water and sip slowly. If you don't want to do that, you can drink a mug of black coffee. You can exercise by eating 1 to 2 bananas 30 minutes after drinking, because our body needs a lot of energy during exercise. Exercise helps to reduce fat from your body very quickly.

Tips 3: If you know any physical exercise you can do that, if not you can do light walking or a little running.

Tip 4: When you come to walk or run, you can eat 1 to 2 bananas because bananas contain a lot of good carbohydrates that provide your body with energy to exercise, you can do it exactly 1 hour after exercise because exercise Many toxins are released from our body through sweat, if we don't clean it, it can accumulate in our skin and cause many skin problems.

Tip 5: You should eat 1700 to 2000 calories throughout the day, and burn 500 calories, in between meals you can eat boiled green vegetables or fruits but between 1700 to 2000 calories you can eat what you like, otherwise if you can diet Then it will be very good for your body and you will be able to reduce your body fat quickly, the more you eat green vegetables, fruits and roots in your diet, it will be very good for you.

How to lose body fat and get a healthy body like everyone else

 Among the green vegetables, you can use capsicum, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, carrot, beet carrot, etc. You can use many other types of vegetables, because vegetables contain more vitamins than fruits, and vegetables are very low calorie foods that you need. Helps reduce body fat and replenishes your body's vitamin deficiency and you should drink 4 to 5 liters of water throughout the day.

The more you try to avoid outside food, because eating outside food will increase your weight and also cause many diseases, the more you try to eat home-cooked food, the less you eat oil and spiced food. The faster and better results you will get, the more oil you eat, the faster you will gain weight. These oils cause problems in everything in the body. If you want to have a healthy body, try to eat natural home-made foods. "Homemade natural" foods use very little oil and spices which are very good for your body. If you want to make a good whole week diet plan with 1700 to 2000 calories then you can comment and I can make it for you which if you follow it you can lose weight in just 3 months, I have one for you. I will create a diet plan that is followed by big film stars.

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