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Great food for newbies before hitting the gym

 Great food for newbies

Great food for newbies before hitting the gym

Many people join new gyms and they go to exercise on empty stomach because they know nothing or they start exercising by eating very wrong food which results in gas and acidity in their stomach and they can't have energy and focus in the gym properly. For which they cannot make their body properly. If our blood does not move properly in the gym, then we will not make any muscles. So I will tell you the names of some foods that if you eat before going to the gym, you can do your work-out very well.

First of all, before going to the gym, you can eat a loaf of bread and a banana, because bread contains a lot of carbohydrates that give energy to our body. You can, banana does the same thing as bread. If you eat bread and banana together, it is very good for your exercise.

If you want, you can exercise by eating 3 egg whites. Eggs contain a lot of protein, which helps your muscles grow and gives you more energy, so you can exercise with more weight. But remember not to eat the yellow part of the egg before exercise because there is a lot of fat in it. If you eat it and go to exercise, your stomach will feel very heavy, as a result of which you will not be able to concentrate on your exe

rcise. So always exercise by eating the white part of the egg.

Great food for newbies before hitting the gym
Along with that, you can eat mixed fruits. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that will keep your energy up at the gym.

Great food for newbies before hitting the gym
You can also exercise by drinking a cup of coffee and coffee is very important while exercising. If you exercise by drinking coffee, you can exercise for a long time and you can exercise very attentively because the connection between our brain and muscles during exercise is very important. Otherwise, our muscles will not pump properly because there is a lot of caffeine in coffee which increases our concentration during exercise and our laziness is removed by drinking coffee. There are many people who yawn even when they come to the gym and their body is sluggish. If you have a feeling, you will get rid of this feeling if you drink coffee. If you drink coffee then you don't need to take any other medicine for wench. Coffee is a great pre workout. Drinking coffee makes your muscles pump better and keeps your blood flowing. But remember one thing, never drink coffee on an empty stomach and don't drink too much otherwise you may have acidity, if you are drinking coffee for gym then always drink black coffee with no milk, sugar can be mixed in it.

If you have just joined the gym, then it is better not to use any pre workout supplement. Try to fill your body with natural food as much as you can.

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