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How to live a long and healthy life?

 live a long and healthy life

How to live a long and healthy life

There are many of us who think a lot about our lives and do not realise that in the middle of these thoughts they grow old. Now-a-days there are very few people who are not living a healthy and health ladder, but nowadays what is our situation due to the chemical mixture in every food, our life span is getting very short and many people are getting sick by eating such food. You can think that the original dishes are gone. So I will tell you some ways that if you follow them you can keep your life healthy and live a good healthy life.

First of all, try to get up early in the morning because the earlier you get up in the morning, the more you will stay away from diseases. You should try to get up between 3:30 and 4 am. If you get up early in the morning, if you have problems with stomach gas or acidity. You will get rid of this problem and try to clean your stomach by drinking 1 litre of warm water in the morning, first of all you will have a little difficulty but gradually your body will get used to it. If you do this every day, many of your diseases will be reduced because half of the diseases in our body are caused by our stomach not being clean properly.

How to live a long and healthy life
After that do some light exercise in the morning on an empty stomach or you can also do yoga. If you do exercise every morning then your body will be disease free for life and your mind will also be very calm and if you have low or high blood pressure then it is very tie. Control will calm, you will try to meditate in the morning for 2 to 5 minutes because meditation is a very good and very important way to calm your mind. If you do yoga or exercise early in the morning then you will look much younger even if you are bosom and you can get a very fit and disease free body. So try to get up early in the morning and exercise. At first you may find it difficult to wake up but when you get used to it, your body will wake you up like an alarm.

After that you try to eat nutritious foods like oats, dalia, milk, eggs, fruits etc. in your morning meal.

How to live a long and healthy life
Eating mangoes will increase your energy and prevent you from many types of diseases because protein and carbohydrates are found in such food. It works the same. Try to eat home cooked food and use less oil spices in food because these foreign oil spices are the most responsible for making our body sick. Try to eat natural sugar like food because natural sugar does not make our body sick but it is good for our body to eat it within the limit no matter what is sweet.

If you want to have a healthy and fit body then try to drink more water throughout the day because water is no less than an elixir for our body. Did you know that our body consists of 75% water which helps every part of our body to function properly? And there are many people who waste their body without drinking water. They drink water because they think that if they drink water they will have to stay in the bathroom for half a day, so they cry water. But if you make your body drink water, it will retain a lot of water in your body, so you have to use the bathroom a little less. If you have to go to the bathroom then what is your problem? The more you urinate, the cleaner your blood will be and will keep you safe from many diseases.

How to live a long and healthy life
And if you want to live a carefree life then stay away from those people who can't say anything but bad things and don't know how to expect anything good from anyone because these people will only spoil your life with your mind. Try as much as you can to stay away from such people and mix with good people and speak good words and think for good things and if you want to keep your mind good then try to reduce tension as much as possible and smile and be happy. You can listen to music to keep your mind happy. And if you don't find such a good person then stay alone and think about your future and move forward in your life.

Just like you get up early in the morning, try to go to bed early at night.

 If you do this then you will surely live a good long healthy life.

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