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Why Masterbation Is So Good For Your Body

 Masterbation Is So Good For Your Body

Why Masterbation Is So Good For Your Body

Masterbation is done by both girls and boyes , but no one wants to open up and is very shy to say this, nowadays 90% masterbation is done by both girls and boyes. But after they do it, they feel very loose. Many people say a lot about masturbation and those who do this, when they hear these words, they feel like they have committed a very big sin,but masturbation is a not very big sin, it's natural things that many people do and if you don't masturbate then there will come a time when it will leave your body by itself through your urine.

Why Masterbation Is So Good For Your Body
By doing massage, many waste materials are removed from our body and keeps our skin very good. By doing massage, your skin colour becomes fairer, your skin quality becomes better, as a result, your skin does not crack in winter and your skin does not feel extra oily on hot days. As a result, if you use soap or face wash, you will soon have an oil-free face throughout the day. Masterbation helps to keep our skin and heart healthy. If you do masterbation in the morning, your heart will be very good. Masterbation also keeps our brain very good, nowadays many people are very stressed due to work pressure or other work pressure. If you do any work, you can do it very carefully. Those who do physical exercise at the gym will have more energy during exercise. Many people say that if we masturbate, our male hormones will decrease. Yes, it is true, but there is a rule for everything.

But Masterbation is good and bad if you do it within the limit then it is very good for you and if you do it all day long then it can ruin not only your healthy body but also your life, if you do it in excess then you are very,You will become weak and there will be no symptoms in your life except doing it. If you do too much masterbation, your bones will become weak, the blood from your body will decrease due to which your blood pressure will be low, you will also see less in your eyes, energy will decrease, your hair will fall out because when you masturbate, your body will lose more water, vitamins, minerals and the hormone testosterone.

Why Masterbation Is So Good For Your Body
Which is our number 1 male hormone which is very important for every part of our body and we live and get energy with its help. If you do masterbation, you can do it once a day in a week. If you do it once a week, your male hormone will gradually increase. When it increases, you will feel much fresher and have more energy. your fingernails will grow faster, your hair will be thicker and thicker, if you do any exercise, you will have more energy during exercise.

And if more than that then you can do 2 days in a week but while doing this you have to have a very good diet and eat very nutritious foods like milk, curd, butter, ghee, banana and other nutritious foods which are high in protein. Along with that, you have to exercise very well.

Why Masterbation Is So Good For Your Body
The more you happily masterbation, the harder you have to exercise, but you will not see any side-effects in your body, and if you do not do them, then You will gradually move towards mityu. If you do too empty masturbation then you may not satisfy your partner after marriage and you may not become a father one day, so try your best to stay away from masturbation, if you have more If you want to do masterbation, then you should try to be more crowded, spend more time with family, close all the porn sites, if you want to do masterbation after doing all this, then you should do more than 2 times a week.But along with that you need to eat nutritious food and exercise.

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