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What are the top foods for breakfast?

Healthy Breakfast?

What are the top foods for breakfast?

Breakfast is very important to start our day and eating breakfast gives us energy to work throughout the day. Therefore, it is very important for us to eat food in the morning. Always try to eat protein, carbohydrates, good fats and other small nutrition foods in the morning.

There are many people among us who prefer to eat unhealthy food instead of eating healthy things for breakfast such as too much oil, spicy food or things like pizza,burger,donuts etc. Eating these foods will give you energy but it won't last long and it will make you sick later and spike your blood sugar levels.

So you always try to eat healthy food instead of processed food for breakfast.

So I am telling you some important foods which are very important for your body and get a lot of nutrition in these foods.

The first of all egg

What are the top foods for breakfast?
Eggs If we start our daily meal plan with eggs first, it will be very good for our body because eggs contain a lot of protein, healthy fats, omega 3 and other small nutrients which are very important for our body. Eating protein helps our body throughout the day. You will get energy to work, Omega 3 keeps our heart and brain good, good fat is very good for our body, so you should definitely try to eat 3 to 4 eggs in the morning. Eating eggs will maintain your body weight. Many people say that eating eggs can reduce cholesterol, but this is a mistake.

Number 2 is oats

What are the top foods for breakfast?
By eating oats, our stomach is full for a long time. Oats contain a lot of complex carbohydrates which do not take much time to digest, so your body gets energy for a long time. Oats have a good amount of carbohydrates, protein and fibre among them zinc and many other micro nutrients are available which is a very good plan to start our day meal.

Number 3 Brown Toast

What are the top foods for breakfast?
Brown toast is very good for breakfast. It also contains a good amount of carbohydrates, protein, fiverr, zinc and more nutrition. Which is very good for our body. The reason for eating brown toast is not a complete nutrition food, so you have to mix some nutrition separately like Peanut Butter, Banana.

Number 4 Paneer

What are the top foods for breakfast?
Paneer is a very good food and it contains a lot of protein and good fats so it is a very good breakfast food. And those who don't like to eat eggs then they can eat paneer instead of eggs. 100 grams of paneer contains about 24 grams of protein which is very important for your body and more nutrition is found in paneer which is very important. You can also eat milk with paneer. If milk and paneer are mixed together then it will be a very nutritious food. But if you can digest milk and cheese properly then you can eat it otherwise if you have indigestion then it is better for you not to eat it because milk and cheese contain a lot of protein and many people cannot digest protein properly.

One thing to remember is that whatever you eat in the morning but don't eat milk together you can drink milk exactly 30 to 1 hour after eating.

If you don't want to have milk then you can have fruit juice instead as it is better for your body than milk. Fruit juice contains a very good amount of vitamins, minerals and it is a very low calorie food which is very easily digested and reaches your body quickly and natural sugar is found in fruit juice which does not increase your blood sugar.

If you start your day with these foods, it will be very good for your body and you will be less sick.

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