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Which is the best natural food or whey protein for your muscles?

  Natural food Vs Whey protein

Which is the best natural food or whey protein for your muscles?

Many people do gym and they know that without eating protein our muscles will never grow because the muscles in our body are made of protein so if you want to grow your muscles then you need to eat high protein food. If you don't eat high protein food then No matter how much you exercise, your muscles will never grow. So always try to eat more protein than your body weight. But remember one thing, just eating too much protein is not a big deal, you have to digest it. If you eat too much protein food and if it is not digested properly then you will not get any lab from eating it. If you are eating too much protein. Then you need to take a digestive enzyme. You can buy a good digestive enzyme medicine of your choice from the medical shop. Whatever digestive enzyme you use, you should always have pineapple or ripe papaya mix in the digestive enzyme. If you don't want to take any digestive enzyme medicine then you can eat pineapple or ripe papaya naturally. It will be better for your body.

Which is the best natural food or whey protein for your muscles?
Many of those who do gym think a lot about whey protein. They think that if they don't take whey protein, their muscles will never grow. To those who think like that, tell them if you can't take whey protein or don't want to take it, then it doesn't matter if you eat natural food. By eating milk, curd, you can fill the supply of protein in your body. Many people think that whey protein is made of any medicine or any steroid-like harmful drugs are mixed in it, but if you think so, then you are thinking it very wrong because whey protein is also made of a natural food, which is cow's milk. Whey protein is made by extracting water. So if you want to take whey protein and you have the money to take whey protein then you can take it without any worries. It is also a natural food like other protein foods and no medicine or steroid is mixed in it. The more expensive the whey protein you buy the better it will be for you and if you are going to buy brand new whey protein then take an expert with you because there are many duplicate whey proteins sold in the market these days.

Which is the best natural food or whey protein for your muscles?
And if you have money, but you don't want to take whey protein, then it doesn't matter. You can invest your money in natural food to fill your body's supply of protein and by eating natural food, you will get protein, carbohydrates, zinc and many other essential vitamins. And nutrition will be fulfilled. Which cannot be fulfilled by just taking whey protein. You have to eat natural food with whey protein, but you can build a good body.

And supplements work only 10% in our body, the rest all depends on your daily diet and work. If you think that you do not eat any food naturally and want to build your muscles by eating whey protein, then you will slowly become very sick. You don't have to survive on pure whey protein, you have to eat naturally.

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