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What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?

  Fat loss Vs Weight loss

What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?

Everyone knows and does about fat loss and weight loss. But they think that fat loss and weight loss are the same thing but not two different and two methods are also different.

Fat loss is for those who do gym. For those who do gym, fat loss is a different business because for them, fat loss is to reduce the fat accumulated inside the smooth skin while keeping your muscles. Increasing your muscles and reducing fat is called fat loss.

And weight loss is to lose weight by reducing your muscles, by shedding excess sweat from your body, and by extracting water.

Fat loss: Always eat a few calories less than the number of calories you eat throughout the day, and the rest is taken out through exercise to lose fat. That means if you want to lose fat, you have to go on a calorie deficit, but you can lose fat while maintaining your muscle mass.

What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?
In fat loss, always keep carbohydrates low in your diet and make protein high and do fat loss diet.

By doing this, your muscles grow a lot and you get a very good body. But remember one thing if you want to lose fat then you always try to exercise with heavy weight but you can lose fat and don't do too much cardio for fat loss otherwise your fat will be lost along with your muscle. Out of 7 days in a week, you can do cardio 3 days and the rest of the days you will do weight training. During fat loss you need to drink a lot of water.

During weight loss, you don't have to diet so hard. You can lose weight by eating as much as you like, because you can lose a lot of calories and sweat from your body by doing extra cardio, but if you lose weight, your muscles will also lose. And you look much skinnier. If you lose fat, the beauty you have in your body, but during weight loss, that beauty is no longer there. You don't have to join any gym or fitness centre to lose weight, you can lose weight by dieting and working hard at your own home. During weight loss, you have to remove as many calories from your body as you eat throughout the day, but you can lose weight.

Losing weight makes your body very weak. But if you lose fat, your body does not become so weak.

But if you are losing fat, your stomach may not clean properly because you have to eat fewer calories than you used to, making it harder for you to lose weight and you may have haemorrhoids. If you don't want to suffer from this problem then you can use any herbal product to cleanse the stomach.

But during weight loss, you don't have to worry about this problem anymore because you have to eat as many calories as you used to eat every day, exercise more and sweat more.

What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?
If you want to know my opinion between weight loss and fat loss then I will tell you that fat loss is better because pure fat loss improves your body shape and makes you look good.

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