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How to build a body in one month

 Build a body in one month

How to build a body in one month

There are many guys who are very thin and thin, they do a lot to increase their weight and go to the gym or join. But even after exercising for many days, they cannot build their body. As a result of eating all these foods, their weight increases but in an unhealthy way, which later causes disease.

So if you follow the tips given by me then you can increase your weight in a healthy way without any disease and build your body within a month.

The most important thing to build a good body is what you eat throughout the day.

How to build a body in one month
The first thing you should eat in the morning is banana milk shake because Banana contains a lot of carbohydrates which will help you increase weight and milk contains protein so if you mix milk and banana together you can build your body very quickly. If you want you can mix some dry fruits in milk then you will see very good results in your body.

If you want to increase your weight, you can eat dalia and oats mixed with milk every morning or afternoon. It contains complex carbohydrates which will help your body build a lot. And eating it won't make you hungry as soon as it will keep your stomach full for a long time.

For lunch you will eat a cup of sour yogurt and one to two potatoes mashed with it. You can mix these two things together because potatoes also contain a lot of carbohydrates and yogurt also contains carbohydrates and proteins that your body can build. helps Besides that you should eat green vegetables.

If you want to build your body, you should not eat only protein and carbohydrate foods. Along with that, healthy fats are very important for your body. Many people reduce the consumption of healthy fats in their daily diet in order to build their body, they think that they will not be able to build their body by eating fatty foods, but they will become fat. Of course, people get fat by eating fat, but it is possible when you eat healthy fats or when you get fat from junk food. No matter how fat or thin you are, if you eat healthy fat in your diet, you will never become fat. And fat helps you gain weight and helps you lose weight.

You can get healthy fat from almonds or from milk, both of them contain a lot of healthy fat that helps you build your body and gain lean muscle.

How to build a body in one month
With that, you can eat a spoonful of desi ghee daily. Ghee is a natural food that helps to increase the testosterone hormone in our body. If you have a high testosterone level, you can build your body very easily.

Your body is not built by eating healthy food and you also need to exercise. Whenever you exercise, always try to exercise with a heavy weight, and during exercise, try to do heavy exercises like press, deadlift, shoulder press, squat. This is the reason. Exercises will help you build your body. If you do these exercises, your Man hormone testosterone will be boosted and if it is boosted your muscles will be built very quickly.

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