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How to increase testosterone in your body?

 Boost Testosterone Naturally 

How to increase testosterone in your body

Testosterone is a male hormone that is used only in the body of Mans. On which every part of the whole body depends, if it is reduced from the body of man, then the whole body will become immobile. Because the body of boys has this hormone from head to toe. How do you know if someone has more or less of this hormone? The person who has more of this in their body shows a lot of energy, their head hair becomes very thick, fingernails or toenails grow very quickly and they are not too nervous in any work and can talk to people with a very good confidence. Boys who have more of this hormone in their body do not have any acne or black spots on their face and are very bright in their body. And even if they don't do gym or exercise, their body looks like they do gym, this is also the case with those who have more of this hormone in their body.

Those who have very little testosterone hormone in their body, their body is very weak and they don't have enough energy to do any work, they pant a lot while doing something, their hair falls out before they grow up, their digestive power decreases, even their blood decreases in their body. Many other problems like gout, bone weakness etc. Those who have very low levels of testosterone in their body cannot even give birth to a son after marriage.

The main reason for the decrease in testosterone in the body is the way we live and eat today. Those who are very busy or work far away from home, then they have to eat home food and they have to eat at this hotel and the food of this hotel has a lot of oil and spices. As a result, our testosterone hormone decreases, so testosterone is very low in these people.

And those who work very hard do not give the body a little rest, the body of people who do not fill their sleep properly also decreases testosterone.

So I am giving you some tips which will help your male hormone testosterone increase.

How to increase testosterone in your body
The testosterone in our body is increased by eating foods like fat, zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium.

First of all you wake up in the morning and drink 1 litre of water because water contains many minerals that boost our testosterone. After 30 to 1 hour you can make a good paste by roasting one spoon of honey and 2 to 4 cloves of garlic on fire and you can eat it every morning on an empty stomach because there is a lot of zinc, iron and potassium in garlic and honey which helps testosterone in our body. helps to increase If you want, you can also eat a spoonful of honey.

To increase your testosterone you can soak raw chickpeas and eat them every morning. Raw chickpeas are rich in iron which helps to increase your testosterone.

How to increase testosterone in your body
If you want to increase your testosterone even more, you can drink a glass of hot milk every night with a pinch of shilajit, Ashwagandha and saffron. And you will become much more energetic and those who have reduced their testosterone by doing bad things with their hands can also regain their lost energy if they drink it.

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