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What mistakes do newbies make after joining the gym?

 Mistakes For newbies make after joining the gym

What mistakes do newbies make after joining the gym?

There are many boys and girls who make many mistakes after joining the gym because of which their body is not ready or it takes a long time.

They joined the gym but did not follow the gym trainer's advice and continued to exercise according to their own will, resulting in injuries to their bodies.

So I have told you some tips, if you follow them, you will never make those mistakes like the rest.

What mistakes do newbies make after joining the gym?
First of all, eat something before going to the gym that gives you energy during exercise. But if you don't eat this food properly, it won't do any work for your body and you won't be able to exercise properly. If the food you eat before the gym is not digested properly, it will not give you energy during the workout. There are many people who exercise while eating something, this is a big mistake and if you eat and exercise right away, you may have indigestion and it will not give you energy during exercise. So if you eat something just 1 hour before exercise, it will be digested quickly and give your body energy during exercise. If you have eaten a lot, eat 2 hours before.

What mistakes do newbies make after joining the gym?
The second mistake many newbies and old timers make is exercising with too much weight. They think that exercising with too much weight will build their muscles too quickly and too much, but it's a mistake. If you're overweight. If you exercise with air, your chances of injury are very high. Exercising with heavy weights causes your muscles to become blocked and your muscles will never grow back like they were before. So you take heavy weight but take it according to your capacity and you can easily do 10 to 12 repetitions with that weight but your muscles will grow and you can easily increase your muscles.

What mistakes do newbies make after joining the gym?
Mistake number 3: Overdoing cardio Many people do cardio before exercise to prepare their body for exercise. And some people also do cardio to lose fat, they think that doing extra cardio will be good for their body. If you think that, then you are wrong and think that extra cardio will make you lose muscle which will make you look very skinny. Extra cardio If you do, you will be so tired that your mind will not want to do any other exercise. So always doing cardio in a limit like 30 to 40 minutes is a very good time to do cardio.

What mistakes do newbies make after joining the gym?
Mistake number 4: Many people come to the gym every day and do 2 to 3 hours of exercise every day and 7 days a week. They think that if they exercise for a long time, they will get better results. If we exercise for a long time, we over train our muscles, as a result of which our muscles become very tired, for which it takes a lot of time to grow muscles and our muscles do not repair quickly. If you want to get good results, then exercise for 1 hour and 1 to 2 times a week. If you take a rest day, your muscles will repair faster and you will get better results.

If you don't make these mistakes after joining the gym then you will get very good results.

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