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How to make your skin fair

 Make your skin fair

How to make your skin fair

Nowadays all people want to have a fair and beautiful look like their favourite models or actresses. If you have a fair and beautiful appearance then you can make a different impression on people. And those whose body skin is very dark are always very small in front of others and many people make fun of their dark skin. Therefore, they do many things to make their skin fair and use many types of medicine, but even as a result of these uses, they do not see any results in their body.

How to make your skin fair
There are many people who use many types of chemical creams for fair hair. They trust the words of their pre-models on TV and use those creams but they don't know how much damage this cream can have on their face. You may get burnt or you may get small acne on your skin because no cream has been developed till date to make our skin fair. But there are some people who promote such damage-causing creams in the hope of saving money.

Whether our skin is fair or dark depends on the hormone called melanin in our body. If there is less melanin in your body then your skin will be very fair and if there is too much melanin in your body then your skin will be very dark.

How to make your skin fair
Many people don't know about melanin, so let me tell them that melanin is a type of hormone that is produced in our body and its job is to protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

There are some people who think that if they can reduce the melanin in their body then they will become very fair and they take many types of medical treatment to reduce melanin. There are medicines and injections to reduce melanin from the body. With these, you can reduce the melanin in your body, but doing so can have many harmful effects on your body. For example, your melanin works to protect the skin of your body. You will lose the ability to protect the skin.

How to make your skin fair
Some people know about its side effects, they do such things for the sake of fresh air, they suffer the consequences of doing this.Doing this will make you fairer but you will never be able to go out in the sun. If you stay in the sun for too long, your skin will burn.If you don't want to suffer from such problems then never use such things on your body.

And even if you use such medicine, there is no guarantee that you will be able to make your skin fair. Only 1% of people out of 100% of people with this medicine may not get it again after shooting it.

Whether our skin will be fair or black is determined by our creator with no science based medicine and injection. So using them is just a waste of your money.

How to make your skin fair
Also some people say that they were fair before then turned dark then it is not a genetic problem, it's only like a suntan problem. If you want to get rid of suntan then exercise every morning, drink 4 to 5 litres of water throughout the day, walk less in the sun, always eat green vegetables and nutritious food, gradually suntan will get rid of your body.

If you want to know more about health and fitness then read my whole page.

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