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What is fiber and why fiber is important for our body

 Benefits of Fiber

What is fiber and why fiber is important for our body

Many people do not know about fiber and why fiber is so important for our body.

Fiber is not made by our body, it has to be taken from food. Fiber is very important for our body because nowadays there are many people whose food nutrition does not reach the body properly and the food they eat does not come out through the stool after digestion due to which they suffer from stomach constipation and many other diseases.

What is fiber and why fiber is important for our body
Fiber digests the nutrition that is in the food we eat and keeps it in our body and after digestion, the waste materials are thrown out in the faeces, for which our stomach is properly cleaned and no diseases are caused. All the diseases that appear in our body are in the stomach. If our stomach is well cleaned then no disease will occur. Therefore, if the body does not get fiber properly, then the waste that you have will not come out of the stomach well and it will accumulate in the stomach, as a result of which there is a possibility of colon cancer. So you should always eat fiber in your diet.

Fiber is found in all foods that contain peels. These peels are fiber. An average person should consume 15 grams of fiber throughout the day. And those who play sports and are physically active should consume 30 grams of fiber.

  • Eating fiber does not cause your blood sugar to rise which does not lead to diabetes and people with diabetes should definitely eat fiber rich foods.

  • Fiber also lowers your cholesterol levels.

  • Fiber also helps increase calcium in the bones, which makes bones very strong.

  • If you are 50 years old and you eat a good amount of fiber, you will always look young no matter how old you are. People who look young even after getting older have a good amount of fiber in their bodies.

  • Fiber also keeps our heart healthy.

The foods that contain the most fiber are:

What is fiber and why fiber is important for our body
1 Oats contain a good amount of fiber. If you get 10 grams of fiber in about 100 grams of oats, then oats are a very high fiber food. You can eat 100 grams of oats every day.

What is fiber and why fiber is important for our body
2 Raw chickpeas or pulses that have been shelled are high in fiber.

What is fiber and why fiber is important for our body
3. Apples also contain a good amount of fiber. If you eat apples for fiber, always eat them with the peel. If you eat an apple with the skin on, half of the fiber will pass through the apple and you won't get any benefits.

What is fiber and why fiber is important for our body
4 Guavas contain more fiber than apples. One guava contains 5 grams of fiber, which is very good for your body.

What is fiber and why fiber is important for our body
A good amount of fiber is found in bananas, 3 grams of fiber are found in one banana. The greener the banana, the more fiber is found in it.

Fiber is found in all the shell foods you eat, but some fish, meat, and foods like milk, eggs, and yogurt do not contain fiber at all.

So from now on try to eat everything with the peel.

If you want to know more about health then read my whole page thanks.

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