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What is protein and why protein is very important for our body?

 What is protein 

What is protein and why protein is very important for our body?

There are many people who have heard the name of protein but don't know anything about protein. Why is protein very important for our body?

Like if there is less blood in the body, then the body becomes very weak, similarly if our body does not get maximum protein throughout the day, then our body will become very weak and we will not get energy to do any work. Protein is a type of nutrition that we need and Very important for the body.

Protein gives energy to our body through which we can function throughout the day. If your protein is very low in your body, you will not be able to do any work properly. Then our body loses protein, so when you reach that age, when you are 40 years old then you will see that your muscles don't have much strength in them and the muscles start to lose slowly, so if you are 40 years old, then you can eat high protein food or take a protein supplement.

 For this reason, if a player is 40 years old, no player can be kept in the Olympics, he is retired.

What is protein and why protein is very important for our body?
The best protein supplements is whey protein. You can take good whey protein according to your budget, but you should always try to take whey protein which is more expensive and high braind because the better brand of protein you take, the better it is for your body.

Some people think that only those who work out and go to the gym can use whey protein. If you think so, then it is a wrong idea because protein is needed by everyone in the body, from young children to obese people. So whether you exercise or not, you must take protein.

 A normal person needs to eat 30 grams of protein every day and there will be no weakness in his body. Those who do gym need to eat more protein than their body weight and they can increase their muscles.

What is protein and why protein is very important for our body?
For example, if you work out and your weight is 60 kg, and if you want to increase your muscles, then you need to eat 120 grams of protein throughout the day, then you can build your muscles.

 Because our muscles are made of protein and when we exercise, the cells of these proteins are broken, so we need protein to repair these cells and then our muscles grow.

What is protein and why protein is very important for our body?
So no matter how old you are, you should eat more protein foods. Foods like milk, curd, paneer contain a lot of protein, so you should definitely add them to your diet. And if you are non-vegetarian and you like to eat meat, then you can eat chicken every day. 100 grams of chicken meat contains 24 grams of protein and your body needs 30 to 45 grams of protein, so if you get 24 grams of protein in 100 grams of meat. Know that you can meet the protein needs of your body by eating any other low protein food throughout the day.

If you want to know more about health and fitness then read my whole page thanks.

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